




Aim and Scope Cell Research is a journal devoted to the publication of the novel results in different areas of animal and plant cell biology and to the promotion of the scientific exchanges between China and all other parts of the world. It is edited by Shanghai Institute of Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, published by Science Press, Beijing China, distributed by Chinese Post Office for local and New York Agency Ltd., USA for overseas. Cell Research is included in Index Medicus and MEDLINEon MEDLARS system and Science Citation Index Expandedtm (also known as SciSearchtm)and ISI Alerting Services.Article type Original articles, cormnentary, and short communications are all welcomed, reviews and minireviews should be in advance with the Editor-in-Chief.Submission of manuscripts Manuscript should be subniitted to the Editorial Office in Shanghai or three reginal editors closed to your location. Ms. Ai Lan CHANG, Editorial Office of Cell Research, Shanghia Institute of CellBiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 320 Yue-yang Road, Shanghai 200031, China, e-mai:cellres@sunm.shcnc.ac.cn Dr. Yun-Bo SHI, LME/NICHD/NIH, BUILDING 18t room 106, 18 Library RD MSC 5431, Bethesda, MD 20892-5431, USA, e-mail: shi@helix.nih.gov Dr. Yufang SHI, Scientist, Dept. of Immunology, Holland Laboratory of the American Red Cross, 15601 Crabbs Branch Way, Rockville, MD 20855, USA. Tel: 301 517 0392/Cell:301 706 0826, Fax: 301 517 0344/301 517 0395, e-mail: shiy@usa. redcross.org Jing De ZHU, CRC Dept,of Medical Oncology, Galsgow University, Glasgow G61,1BD. UK. E-mail: gpma66@udcf, gla.ac.ukOne original and two complete copies of the manuscript should be submitted. The final revised version of the paper should be submitted with the electronic version of the complete manuscript.Manuscript style The Language used is English. Manuscript should be doulble-spaced, with margins of approximately 2.5 cm all around and numbered. The text is organized as Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and References. Figures and Tables should not be incorporated into the text.*Title Page List the full title, the running title (up to 50 characters including spaces), and names and affiliations of all authors. The full address and e-mail or Fax of corresponding author should be given as foot note on the first page.*Acknowledgements including sponsor(s) along with the grant number(s) should be put after the text.*Abstract Up to 250 words. It should indicate the naterials and methods used and major results obtained.*Key words 3-5 key words be given after the abstract.*Illustrations A complete set of Photographs, Figures, and Tables on separate sheets should be accompany each copy of manuscript with or appropriate caption. Write the name of the first author, number of the figure or Table on the reverse. No vertical rules (lines) should be used in Tables. Legends to tables should be types below the table. Two original photographs must be supplied as they are to be reproduced and photo copies are not accepted. The maximum size of a photograph is not more than 17em × 24cm.*Final reversed manuscript It should be submitted to the editor together with an electronic copy of the paper. Write on the side the software package used, the name of the first author, and name of the journal. Word and Word perfect are preferred (although other word processing packages could also be used). Illustrations must be submitted in electronic packages over tools such as Excel or Power Point and Photoshop are preferred.References In the text references should be cited in the order of their appearances and indicated by a number in square brackets. In the reference list complete titles and page numbers must be included in the citations as follows:*Journal ”1” Sharma K, YF Shi. The yins and yangs of ceramide. Cell Research 1999; 9:1-10. List all authors when six or less; when seven or more, list only first three and add et al.*Chapter in a Book ”2” Hirsimaki P, Arstuka AU, Trump BF, Marzella L. Autophagocytosis. In: Trump BF, Arstuka Au. Eds. Pathology of cell membranes. Plenum Press: New York 1983:201-36. Unpublished materials or personal communications should not be included in the reference list but may be noted in parenthesis in the text.Proof ReadingGalley proofs will be sent to contributors for correction of errors, but no major alteration of the text could be accepted. The corrected proofs should be sent back promptly along with reprint order if required.

electronic packages、key words、software package、word processing、Citation Index、cell membranes、Power Point、Post Office、the world、used in


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国家重点研发计划资助 课题编号:2019YFB1406304
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