




ABSTRACTSuccessful application of FIDIC Conditions in China”s large water resources and hydropower projectsWu Xi(Northwest lnvestigation,Design & Research lnstitute,State Power Corporation,Xi”an)Key Words:FIDIC Conditions,Xiaolangdi dam project,Engineer,guiding role,riskAbstract:The Xiaolangdi water control project is one of the large water resources and hydropower projects recently constructed by introducing the World Bank loans in China.Through review and analysis of its dam construction supervisory practice in nearly 7 years,the author discusses the basic features of the internationally accepted FIDIC Conditions,presents his personal experience and suggestions on construction supervision under FIDIC Conditions,expecting the construction supervision system to be spreaded properly and quickly in China”s capital construction.Mechanized construction of the Xiaolangdi earth rockfill damTian Xiaolan & Wang Bi(Northwest lnvestigation,Design & Research lnstitute,State Power Corporation,Xi”an)Key Words:filling,mechanical equipment,complete set,utilization rate,productivityAbstract:The construction of Xiaolangdi rockfill dam is characterized by high standard of flood retaining and control,large quantity of dam filling,short construction period and high filling rate.To bring about high speed construction,advanced and complete set of construction mechanical equipment with large capacity and good performance are introduced.The mechanical equipment are rationally combined and disposed in consideration of operations of dam filling procedure,which are scientifically managed,dispatched and maintained in a unified way and thus the good-condition rate,utilization rate and productivity of each piece of equipment are increased.From biginning up to date the dam filling progress always keeps high filling rate,low nonuniform rate and advance of the contractual schedule,and the construction technology and level have reached the international advanced level.This is owed to scientific construction management and excellent complete set of construction machinary.Quality control of the Xiaolangdi earth rockfill damWang Bi,Wang Qifeng & Li Yujie(Northwest lnvestigation,Design and Research lnstitute,State Power Corporation,Xi”an)Key Words:Filling quality insuranse system,quality control,working procedure quality,quality checkAbstract:The Xiaolangdi dam is characterized by large filling scale,a great variety of filling materials and high filling rate.Consequently,the dam filling quality is ever more critic to its normal operation and safety of the downstream properties and lives.In line with the contract of construction supervision,the Engineer set up a high efficiency organization and implemented strict quality insurance system,developed practical quality control procedure and methods focusing on control of working procedure during dam filling,adopted a supervisory mode of combining the office and field work,instructing and supervising contructor”s construction operations by making use of his advantage in experience and technology,and thus strictly controlled the dam filling quality and obtained successful experience.Application of high pressure revolving injection technique in foundation treatmentof the Xiaolangdi projectLiu Kaiyun,Yu Zheng & Wang Cheng(Northwest lnvestigation,Design & Research lnstitute,State Power Corporation,Xi”an)Key Words:high pressure revolving injection,cut off wall,overburden,oblique distance,grouting pressure,flow rateAbstract:The theory and development of high pressure revolving injection technique as well as its present application in China is described in connection with the successful practice in Xiaolangdi dam foundation seepage control,Laohuzhui sealing,side consolidation and increasing bearing capacity.The single row pile wall technique,advanced construction machinary and large flow,high pressure and stable grout injection method are studied.Construction schedule control of the Xiaolangdi dam projectZhou Jun(Northwest lnvestigation,Design & Research lnstitute,State Power Corporation,Xi”an)Key Words:construction schedule,contractual target schedule,construction equipment,modification of scheduleAbstract:The Xiaolangdi water control project is constructed in smooth progress with its major items all along keeping in advance of the contractual schedule.The Engineer,by reviewing the contractual target schedule,timely modifying the schedule based on the practical construction conditions and firmly grasping the key items and controlling links,has adopted corresponding measures,such as providing technical instruction to the contractor,actively support design improvement and properly dealing with design changes,and thus the construction schedule is ensured and completion of the project one year ahead of schedule is succeeded.Probe into application of earth material in core wall of the Xiaolangdi earth rockfill damWang Qifeng & Wang Bi(Northwest lnvestigation,Design & Research lnstitute,State Power Corporation,Xi”an)Key Words:embankment dam,impervious earth material,grain gradation,plastic index,test,compaction standard,applicationAbstract:The Xiaolangdi dam has a large quantity of impervious earth filling.The earth material used for the project consists of light silty loam,moderate silty loam,heavy silty loam and silty clay.During construction,disputes occurred on application of earth material.In connection with the specific conditions of project construction and following the principle of making full use of local materials,redusing disposal materials as much as possible and designing in accordance with the materials,the construction supervisor made technical analysis,adopted reasonable construction measures and successfully brought the actual compacted earth dry density in dam averagely higher than 1.7t/m3.After further analysis and probe into application of earth material in core wall of the high earth rockfill dam,constructive suggestion are put forward in respect to earth test,earth selection and application,earth compaction standard and proper earth exploitation.

construction supervision、construction schedule、mechanical equipment、high pressure、quality control、water resources、construction technology、construction operations、construction management、construction measures、project construction、foundation treatment、technical analysis、supervision system、normal operation、insurance system、injection method、dam construction、bearing capacity、high efficiency












国家重点研发计划资助 课题编号:2019YFB1406304
National Key R&D Program of China Grant No. 2019YFB1406304

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