The marriage of invasion biology and social science is preordained
The human race now declared that it rules the world.We ”officially” declared the start of a new era in the history of the Earth,the Anthropocene.The Executive Committee of the International Union of Geological Sciences accepted the proposal that humanity”s impact is so large that it merits to call an era after itself,although there is remaining disagreement of its precise start (Head et al.,2015).Some argue that this is a mark of accepting responsibility-Ⅰ remain of the opinion that this is hubris,both ridiculous and dangerous.Ridiculous,because it is similar to many fields,where declaration of new and new eras,paradigms,etc.appear at increasing frequency as we approach the present.Earth-shaking discoveries and truths are daily announced.Do they really happen so frequently? Hardly.And the gods are laughing.
the world、the Earth