【The Meanings of'Grammar'】'Grammar'is a protean term, meaning different things to different people, but often also used with varying references by t...>>详细【The Meanings of'Grammar'】'Grammar'is a protean term, meaning different things to different people, but often also used with varying references by the same speaker. To summarize from Lyons (1968), for the Ancient Greeks it was a branch of philosophy. The earliest debates centred on whether it was a natural phenomenon beyond human control, or whether it was a convention with which humans could meddle. The focus shifted over several centuries to the question as to whether language was principally regular or irregular. Furthermore, grammar was associated preeminently with the written language, the word originating from the Greek for the 'art of writing'. This association was reinforced when Greek scholars discovered in Alexandria the manuscripts of earlier Greek poets and sought to establish'correct' versions of them; the link between grammar, writing and literature continued throughout the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, and is still present today in studies which are 'philological' rather than 'linguistic'. One excursus meriting attention is grammatica speculativa,'speculative grammar'. The origins go back, again, to the Ancient Greeks, but it flourished in the Middle Ages and later among the Port Royal grammarians in France. Its object was to establish the relationship between words as'signs', what they 'signified'and human reason, the Port Royal grammarians in particular being intenton proving that languages were rational constructs and subject to universal principles of logic.