How Cryptosystems Get Broken
@@ It's all us pleasure to come to China.a great deal of cheerful times already.I hope that we have additional opportunity to meet,talk about cryptography and other components.Today I am going to give a general talk which is not designed for special lists,about how could the systems get broken like this.I think I don't assume you know much about cryptography and some of the basics.Cryptography deals with issue how to send secret information from a sender which is usually called a receiver which is usually called Bob.The usual way how to encrypt data is to use an encryption box that accepts the plaintext,the plaintext is the message that you would like to send encrypted.It could be just"Good morning".By using a secret cryptographic key K,you put ciphertext which looks very very strange."zqvkj…".
cryptography、general talk、information、special、message、would、think、going、data、come、use、key、get、don